17. The ESOL student uses language learning strategies to
develop an awareness of his/her own learning processes in language
arts and all content areas.
A. develop and expand repertoire of learning strategies such
as reasoning inductively or deductively, looking for patterns in
language, and analyzing expressions (K-3/ESL)
B. use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings
in English (K-8/ESL)
C. monitor oral and written language production and employ
self-corrective techniques or other resources (K-8/ESL)
D. use strategic learning techniques such as semantic mapping,
imagery, memorization, and reviewing (K-3/ESL)
E. use learning strategies such as using circumlocution,
synonyms, and non-verbal cues and requesting assistance from native
speakers when speaking English (K-8/ESL)
F. make connections across content areas and use and reuse
language and concepts in different ways (K-8/ESL)
G. use accessible language and learn new and essential
language in the process (K-8/ESL) |
18. The ESOL student listens to a variety of speakers
including teachers, peers, and electronic media to gain an
increasing level of comprehension and appreciation for newly
acquired language in language arts and all content areas.
A. use active listening comprehension in a variety of
situations such as following directions, responding to requests, and
listening for specific purposes (K-3/ESL)
B. understand basic structures, expressions, and vocabulary
such as school environment, greetings, questions, and directions
C. recognize and distinguish phonological elements of newly
acquired vocabulary such as long and short vowels, silent letters,
and consonant clusters (K-8/ESL)
D. listen to and extract meaning from a variety of media such
as audio tape, video, and CD ROM in all content areas (K-8/ESL)
E. analyze and evaluate spoken discourse for appropriateness
of purpose with a variety of audiences such as formal, consultative,
casual, and intimate language registers (K-8/ESL) |
19. The ESOL student reads a variety of texts for a variety
of purposes with an increasing level of comprehension in language
arts and all content areas.
A. identify people, places, objects, events, and basic
concepts such as numbers, days of the week, foods, occupations, and
time (K-8/ESL)
B. share prior knowledge with peers and others to facilitate
communication and to foster respect for others (K-8/ESL)
C. ask and give information such as directions and address, as
well as, name, age, and nationality (K-8/ESL)
D. initiate authentic discourse with peers and others by
employing newly acquired vocabulary and concepts (K-3/ESL)
E. express ideas and feelings such as gratitude, needs,
opinions, and greetings (K-8/ESL)
F. describe the immediate surroundings such as classroom,
school, or home (K-8/ESL)
G. arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences into correct and
meaningful patterns (K-8/ESL)
H. produce phonological elements of simple vocabulary and
phrases (K-3/ESL)
I. produce phonological elements of newly acquired vocabulary
such as long and short vowels, silent letters, and consonant
clusters (K-8/ESL) |
19. The ESOL student speaks in a variety of modes for a
variety of purposes with an awareness of different language
registers (formal/informal) using developmental vocabulary with
increasing fluency and accuracy in language arts and all content
A. identify people, places, objects, events, and basic
concepts such as numbers, days of the week, foods, occupations, and
time (K-8/ESL)
B. share prior knowledge with peers and others to facilitate
communication and to foster respect for others (K-8/ESL)
C. ask and give information such as directions and address, as
well as, name, age, and nationality (K-8/ESL)
D. initiate authentic discourse with peers and others by
employing newly acquired vocabulary and concepts (K-3/ESL)
E. express ideas and feelings such as gratitude, needs,
opinions, and greetings (K-8/ESL)
F. describe the immediate surroundings such as classroom,
school, or home (K-8/ESL)
G. arrange phrases, clauses, and sentences into correct and
meaningful patterns (K-8/ESL)
H. produce phonological elements of simple vocabulary and
phrases (K-3/ESL)
I. produce phonological elements of newly acquired vocabulary
such as long and short vowels, silent letters, and consonant
clusters (K-8/ESL) |
20. The ESOL student reads a variety of texts for a variety
of purposes with an increasing level of comprehension in language
arts and all content areas.
A. learn sound/symbol relationships as they apply to the
phonological system of English (K-8/ESL)
B. recognize directionality of English reading such as left to
right and top to bottom (K-8/ESL)
C. read authentic literature to develop vocabulary,
structures, and background knowledge needed to comprehend
increasingly-challenging language (K-8/ESL)
D. participate in shared reading (K-8/ESL)
E. develop basic sight vocabulary (K-8/ESL)
F. use a combination of skills to decode words such as pattern
recognition and identification of cognates, root words, and affixes
G. read silently with increasing ease for longer periods
H. use print from the environment to derive meaning (K-8/ESL)
I. use graphic organizers as pre-reading activities to prepare
for reading text (K-3/ESL) |