Children's Goody Bag: Prepare a special bag
with a piece of candy, a book, stickers, and pencils, for each child with
a note attached to the outside welcoming the child into your class. . It's a
small way to get the kids excited about coming back.
Parent's Handbook: At our school, we have an Open House very early in the year, only a week or two after school has started. I prepare a Parents' Handbook. This is an easy way for parents to gather all the information they need about their child's classroom and school. Letter to the Parents: I am starting out the year by writing a letter to the parent/student giving background information on me and my expectations for the year. Also, I include my classroom rules and policies/procedures. I make a copy of the letter for each child to take home and have the parent sign and return. First Day of the School Certificates: I designed my own certificate for each child in my classroom using the Print Master Program. At the end of the first day I gave it to them as well as the Children's Goody Bag.
Contact Card: On the first day of school, I give parents my "Contact
Card." This card is the size of a business card and it can easily be kept
with a parent's driver's license or credit cards. On this card is my room
number, my website address, the school's phone and fax numbers, and my
e-mail address. This way parents have a variety of ways to reach me. This
also makes parents feel that you are available when they need you.
Organizing papers for parents: We have a lot of papers to send home the first day. I use the school folders for the class. In one pocket I put all of the papers that need to be signed and returned with a sheet in the front labeled "please sign and return." In the other pocket I put all of the information that needs to be kept and read and put a sheet of paper in front "please keep and read." I tell the children to return the signed papers in the folder, and then I can reuse the folders at another time. Getting Organize: When students are entering the room and there are countless supplies to be labeled, I have a grocery store bag with their name printed on it to hold supplies until I can put it all away. This help me to keep everything separate until I can label and put away. Labels: With so many notebooks and folders coming in the first day, I like to create labels on the computer for each student to put on them. It makes it easy.