Kindergarten Report Cards Calendar


Kindergarten Report Cards are sent home four times a year every nine weeks grading period:


October January March    May





HISD Kindergarten Report Card


Language Arts



Recalls important information.

Uses complete sentences to express feelings and ideas.

Contributes to group activities.

Follows oral directions.

Listen attentively for a variety of purposes.

Retells a story.

Correctly sequences events.

Recognizes sequences of print (left to right, top to bottom).

Contributes to group writing experiences.

Produces rhymes.

Associates sounds with letters studied.

Participates in oral English Language activities(ESL)






Matches concrete objects one-to-one.

Counts concrete objects.

Identifies number symbols.

Solves problems using concrete objects.

Demostrates an understanding of joining sets (addition) using concrete objects.

Demostrates an understanding of separating sets (subtraction) using concrete objects.





Participates in science activities involving observing, measuring, and classifying.

Describes objects and changes in the environment.

Practices rules of safety.

Identifies personal health practices.



Social Studies


Recognizes responsibilities in the family and school.

Recognizes why rules are important.

Identifies self by name, age, and date of birth.



Fine Arts


Participates in art activities.

Participates in singing and rhythmic activities.

Participates in dramatic play.



Physical Education


Participates in physical activities, games, and sports.


Personal and Social work habits


Uses time and materials effectively.

Works and plays well alone and with others.

Follows school and classroom rules.

Expresses feelings in acceptable ways.

Completes tasks.

Shares classroom materials.






Report Cards Grading Codes
In HISD Kindergarten Report Cards the children are evaluated according to the following grading codes:

E     = Excellent.

S+   = Exceeds Expectations

S-   = Meets Expectations.

I    = Improving.

N   = Needs improvement.

     = Not Yet Introduced.