Kindergarten Graduation



May 2004



Kindergarten Graduation Poem


Great Expectations

It’s time to say good-bye
Our year has come to an end.
I’ve made more cherished memories
And many new friends.

I’ve watched your children learn and grow
And change from day to day.
I hope that all the things we’ve done
Have helped in some small way.

So it’s with happy memories
I send them out the door.
With great hope and expectations
For what next year holds in store.

--Author Unknown





Raymundo Angelica Esteban Adrian
Myriam Javier Jennifer Michael
Juan Katia Julian Kimberly
Martin Fernanda Jose Nathalie
Noemi Rogelio Norma Christopher



Kindergarten Book of Memories


















Kindergarten Graduation Card




Kindergarten Graduation Party




Kindergarten Graduation Awards



Perfect Attendance and

The Most Improved Student Awards

Kindergarten ~ Mrs. Avenia's Class

2004~ 2005




