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Prepare a Parents' Handbook with the important information
they need to know, and give it to them at your open house, so they can keep it
and refer to the handbook anytime they need it.The handbook may include:
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In HISD public schools, Kindergarten is a full day program.The Kindergarten school day begins at 7:45a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m.
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Hours: Breakfast: 7:05 - 7:25 a.m. Lunch: 10:10 - 10:40 a.m. Menu: Breakfast and lunch menus will be sent home every month. Cost:
Meals | Cost per day | Cost per week |
Breakfast | $ 1.00 | $ 5.00 |
Breakfast Reduced | $ 0.30 | $ 1.50 |
Lunch | $ 1.50 | $ 7.50 |
Lunch Reduced | $ 0.40 | $ 2.00 |
If your child will be buying school lunches, put lunch money in an envelop with your child's name, the teacher's name and the amount of money. Also, you can pay at the school by the day or week, every Monday |
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Your child's education is our priority. Conferences provide an excellent opportunity to share information about your child. Some things you and the teacher may need to discuss in a conference are: - your child's previous school experiences;-assessments of your child's strengths and weaknesses;-problems your child may be having with behavior or learning;-family history;-your child's medical history;-special talents or abilities of your child. We schedule two parents conferences during the year: October 24, 2003 - March 30, 2004. However, if you have concerns at any time, you can call me or email me and ask for an appointment to discuss them.
Your role as a parents is very important. You can reinforce what is learned in school with activities at home. Some things you can do to help your child learn: ~Be a good listener. Let your child talk and tell you what does he/she think~ Read to your child every day. Both school and public library will help you select good children's books. ~Look at the school work your child brings home. If you ignore it or throw it out, your child may think that work done at school is not important.~ Be sure your child knows you are pleased with his or her progress. ~Provide a special place where your child can keep books and papers. |
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has any of the following: diarrhea, earache, fever, head lice, inflamed eye, upset stomach, vomiting, rash, severe headache, sore throat, swollen glands, persistent cough, flue, and chicken pox. By keeping your child at home when he/she is sick, not only benefits your child but other children and staff in the school. If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you to pick him or her up. Please be sure to leave a number where you can be reached during school hours. |
If you child will need medication during the school day, you must provide
a physician's order and bring the medication to the school yourself. Please, DO
NOT send the medication with your child. Your child will be schedule for vision and hearing screenings sometime during the kindergarten year.You will be notified if your child needs glasses or if he/she is suspected of having an impairment If your child has any health problems, particularly those that might require emergency action such as, asthma, diabetes, seizures, or allergies, please notify the principal and the school nurse..
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When your child brings his or her report card home, review it careful. Note any areas in which your child has experienced difficulty and ask the teacher how you can help with these at home |
![]() Preparing your child to school
You can help your child prepare for this new experience by talking about
school as a happy, friendly place to be. Your attitude about school is very
important to your child's success. Give your child opportunities to play with
other children and to share toys. This will make the adjustment to school
easier, especially if you child has not had any preschool experience.
Encourage your child to be independent by having him or her manage clothing and
footwear, put away toys, and take care of toilet needs. Have your child practice
buttoning, snapping, zipping, and trying shoe laces. Shoes should be comfortable
and secure. Read a book to your child everyday. Set and maintain an early
bedtime so your child will feel and perform the best. Make sure your child eats a good
and healthy breakfast every morning at home. If you bring your child to school
the first day, leave as quickly as you can and let the teacher start the day's
activities. Reassure your child that you will see him or her at the end of the
Please make every effort to have your child at school ON TIME every day. If your child arrives at school after 7:45 a.m., he or she must be signed in by an adult in the office. A "Tardy Pass" slip will be issued for the child to give to the teacher for admission to class, and your child automatically will lost recess.
Recognize his/her name, learn home address, phone number and birthdays; learn colors; count from 1-20; ask permission to go to the restroom; learn teacher, family and school's names. Every child should have crayons, scissors, glue and pencils at home to practice and complete their homework. |
Provide a special place at home where your child can keep books and papers. Give books to your child as a gift. Encourage your child to buy books instead of toys. Play board games with your child. Encourage your child to read books to the little sisters or brothers. Don't worry if your child wants to read the same story over and over again. It is okay! Children love to read their favorites stories many times. Let your child to have fun while reading. At the beginning of the year your child will pretend reading, but at the end of the year he/she will be able to read words and sentences in the books. Encourage your child to read every day more and more books!!!
Parents are very important part of our school family. I really enjoy having parents helping, as a volunteers, in classroom activities such as, working with small groups of children, participating in "Our Best Families" program; Helping as chaperones at the Field Trips; Being encharge of a specify booth at the Field Day or Helping at home by preparing materials for the classroom. At the end of the year, the school organizes a party, and gives certificates to the volunteers as a recognition for their hard work. |
Being in school every day is especially important in kindergarten, because it is hard to make up the kids of hands-on activities that constitute most of the year's learning experiences. Coming to school regulary and being on time are important factors in the kind of attitude your child will develop about school. The sense of responsibility and the establishment of a routine will help your child feel comfortable ans secure. If your child get sick, please sent a written letter to the teacher or call the school. If your take your child to the doctor, bring a excuse from the doctor the next day. Try to make doctor or dentist's appointment in the afternoon. Remember, if your child comes to school after 9:00a.m. he/she will be count as absent. |
Kindergarten homework are designed not only to support classroom learning but also to help teach your child responsibility. The Kindergarten activities are short and they should not take more than fifteen minutes to be completed. The assignments can be: orally, Worksheets, Bring something from home, Special projects that requires the entire family to get involved, Study the Kindergarten High Frequency Words, Study the alphabet letters and syllables learned at school, Study the blue folder, Read at least one book to your child every night. Daily reading will help make your child as better reader. Signed the Reading Log. |
Parents are responsible for: provide the child with school supplies,
Find a especial place for a child to do his/her homework, Schedule a time for
homework. If you establish a study routine at home, your child will learn
discipline and be responsible. Remember, Help your child is not doing his/her
homework! Please label all coats, sweaters, caps, mittens, back packs, school
supplies, and lunch boxes with your child's name. Parents Responsibilities: Check your child's homework every day. ~Read books daily (20 minutes). ~Review your child's behavior folder, and sign it. ~Sign your child's reading log sheet. ~Establish study routines at home. ~Estimulate your child to write. ~Talk to your child about following the school rules and to respect the teachers. ~Come to the Parents Conferences at school. ~Ask the teacher about your child academic progress and behavior. ~Pick up your child on time
In Kindergarten we celebrate special
occasions, such as, Birthdays, Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, Easter, and the
en of the year party.
Birthdays: Parents are more than welcome to celebrate their child's birthday at school during the lunch time. Our schedule is from 10:10 to 10:40a.m. Please let me know ahead of time if you wish to do something special at school for your child's birthday. Parents are responsible for organizing, and cleaning up after celebrating the party. Halloween: Our school doesn't celebrate Halloween. It is prohibited to the students to wear costumes in Halloween. However, I do some educational activities with the students related to Halloween. We learned about spiders, bats, and pumpkins. Christmas: A small parent's contribution is required to buy students christmas' presents and also food for the christmas party. St. Valentine's Day: On this special day, your child needs to bring Valentine's Cards and a bag of candies to school to share with his/her friends. As a part of the writing activity, your child should write his/her friends' names on the valentine's card and sign them. By doing this activity the students will learn important values: sharing, and caring about others. End of the year party: A small parent's contribution is required to buy students' gifts, and food for the end of the year party. Some parents work at restaurants and contribute with food instead of money. That's perfect, too!
Our school encourage to students to wear uniform everyday, except the casual days. The school uniform is: Girls: Navy blue skirt, short, dress or jumper. White blouse or T-shirt. Boys: Navy blue shorts or pants. White T-shirt. Tennis shoes with laces or Velcro are appropriated for Kindergarten activities such as, jumping, running and climbing. Please label all jackets. |
We usually visit Old McDonald Farm, The Houston Zoo, The Natural Science Museum, and Stages Theater throughout the year. Permission slips and cost information will sent home prior to each trip. Parents are responsible to fill out the permission slip, sign it and return it to the school with their child. Please have in consideration that without money and a permission slip, your child can't go to the field trip. Please try to sent the money as soon as you can because places such as the theaters, require us a deposit to hold on seats. Transportation is provided by Houston Independent School District school buses. Field trips chaperones will be selected on a rotating basis. I will make every attempt to give each parent the opportunity to go at least one field trip. While we are away from school, chaperones will be responsible for four children including their own child. |
Your children safety is very important for our school. Please notify us in writing if there are changes in the way your child will be going home from school. During the open house a transportation form will be given to you to fill it out, if your child will ride the school bus. Bus schedules are approximate and may vary due to traffic and weather conditions. I usually discuss bus safety in detail with my students during the first week of school. Following safety rules when boarding, riding, and getting off the bus is very important. Parents are responsible for getting children to and from the bus stop. Children should arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the designated pick up time. Please never leave your child alone at the bus stop. To ensure children's safety and to avoid confusion, a note is required any time a child will be going home from school a different way. |
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Please pick up your child at 2:45p.m. If for any reason you can not pick up your child please call to the school or sent a note to the teacher specifying the name of the person who is authorized by you, to pick up your child. If you don't notify to the school or the teacher, your child will be at the school until you come to pick him/her up. Also, remember to make arrangments when we have early dismissals days. Rainy day dismissal: When it is rainy, parents are allow to come to school and pick up their child in their classrooms. |
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Individual students pictures will be taken twice a year. A class picture is taken only one a year at the end of February. You can send the money with your child to school if you decide to buy the pictures (Optional). |
Periodically, your child will bring money to school for Pictures, School T-shirts, Book Fair, Fund Raisers, Field Trips or for lunch. Please write on an envelop your child's name, the amount of money and especify what the money is for. Please send cash do not send checks. |
Every Thursday, your child will take home a school folder. Inside you will find any important papers, brochures, flyers, forms and the school newsletter "The Explorer". Please review your child's folder and return it the next day. Some papers require your signature, others not. |
I have created a website just for you. It includes useful information to help keep you informed, and also includes games, activities and links for your children too. You can visit my website at: www.my-kinderlandia.com. I hope you like it!. |